String Algae is probably one of the most difficult algaes to get rid of but can also be a blessing in disguise. String algae when taken out of the pond looks like a blanket of algae. The trickiest issue about this algae is that a UV sterilizer will not affect it because it's not a free floating algae. Many pond keepers like me love string algae when it is under control. If you notice with alot of ponds with string algae are crystal clear which makes no sense but what happens is the blanket algae out competes the other algaes for food and actually starves out the other algaes. This can be great a algae fighting another. The best way to combat algae is to keep it under control and the best way to do it is to twirl it around your finger and pull up and remove it. If you would like to remove it still then the best way to remove it is to scrub the liner with a broom and scoop the blanket algae in a pool skimmer and then add a algae killer but be sure to check for safety of the chemical to make sure it's safe for fish, plants and any animals that may come in contact with the water.
Using Aquascape - SAB Extreme String Algae Control is a great idea because it's not a chemical and treats large ponds to small ponds SAB Extreme is formulated to help reduce pond maintenance and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and enzymes to help control algae. Will assist in the breakdown and reduction of debris in the stream, waterfalls, and pond that cause green water and promote string algae growth and blanket algae. It will not harm fish and plants. It helps break down organic materials that create debris problems around waterfalls, rocks, plant pots, pumps, and filtration systems. It works by adjusting the micro nutrients in the water of the pond resulting in conditions that are beneficial for good water quality and clarity. This product is actually 3 products in 1! They took the old SAB recipe and combined it with barley straw and natural biological powers of dry bacteria. If string algae is already a problem, then use Aqua scape Eco Blast to help remove existing
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